
Monday, May 11, 2009

Jill and Baby Jax

Jill is the mother of my sons best friend (I think we are becoming friends also:) and was the tiniest pregnant woman ever. In fact I think she was 7 months pregnant before I even realized that she was pregnant. Granted I had not seen her that frequently but I almost hesitated to comment on her pregnancy because I was not sure. We have all been there.... Your pregnant! Congratulations! and the response is a flat...No. You then wonder how fast you can run away.

I immediately jumped in to photographer mode and ask if I can photograph her pregnancy. I needed the experience and what a beautiful subject.

I did the shoot at her house which is an amazing log home on a cattle ranch. Unfortunately is was a very overcast and rainy day and the house was fairly dark. I only had my on camera flash and I was trying to use as much natural light as possible.

I was trying not to do all of the usual pregnancy photos but they always sneek in.

This is one of my favorites. We were able to get a couple shots in before is really started to rain. I was worried that the photos appeared sad and dark.
We were going to try and do another shoot in my studio but Jax finally decided to enter the world the morning we scheduled to get together.

Baby Jax joined his mom, dad, and FIVE brothers and sisters.

Little baby feet are made for nibbling on, love them.

I learned a very important lesson when scheduling a newborn baby session....NEVER wait too long to get them into the studio. Things were hectic and we did not get them taken until he was 5 weeks old. He was a big baby anyways, 8 plus pounds, and was no longer in the curled up baby and he was MAD. He cried a good portion of the shoot, I hope I was able to to get a few that they will like.

Like I said...he was mad!

I would really appreciate some constructive criticism on the photos.

My next post will tell a sad but hopeful story of Baby Jax and his family.
God Bless you Baby Jax.


My Boy! He just loves to have his picture taken while he is playing in front of the backdrop and I have to admit he is a great subject ;)