
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

D.B.Bryant Band Live at Marty Gras

This past weekend my husband and I rode our bikes to Jeannette, PA for the 8th or 10th annual Marty Gras celebration. Marty throws a big 'ol bash to celebrate his birthday and this is the first year I have been able to make the event. My husband has attended several and has raved about how amazing it is and that I have got to go next year.
This is Marty and Cindy....our host and hostess. They are such a cute couple and you are right Marty, she is pretty hot.

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Friday night is the casual hang out night in the garage. In the garage you say? Yup.
A much smaller group and the  D.B.Bryant Band from Possum Hollow, South Carolina plays accustic. Saturday night is the BIG BASH and Pitzers. Marty does his BBQ for about 150 people and DB Bryant plays again. WOW what a show. Is there really a Possum Hollow?  I don't know if there really is a Posssum Hollow but is sounds pretty good if you are a southern rock band, don't you think? This man can play a mean guitar.
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This is brother Willie Bryant. His MySpace profile says he is 101 years old. I kind of doubt it.
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He looks rough and tough, especially with his phone on the hip.

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Big, Bad Harley Dude. No not really, but he likes to think he is.

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We had a wonderful time Marty, Thank You!
Your Awesome!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just Beachy.

Today was a much needed beach day.
We ended up going to the beach down at the strip but there were so many people it was almost gross. Way too many people not wearing nearly enough clothing. Normally we go to the North End where it is quiet, the place where the locals go. That is where I like to go.

We met up with friends from home and the kids had a blast. Valerie and I spent our time counting kids and making sure they didn't stray to far.

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This is a boy on a mission.
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There was a family sitting next to us with 2 year old twin girls. So flippin cute! Heather, the mother didn't have her camera down at the beach so I told her I would take some pictures for her. Littles girls are so much fun to photograph. Not like stinky little boys. I can say that 'cause I have two stinky little boys. Girls always have all the stuff. Hats, skirts, bows, purses...all the accessories that go along with being a little girl. (Heather I tried to email these to you but for some goofy reason I cannot get my email to send while at my in-laws. I have about 20 more but thought I would show you a few)
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Until tomorrow!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Master Gabe, Part 3

The sun catcher that hangs over Gabes bed
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The kids and I have arrived at the beach. Oh, how I have missed it. The weather is beautiful and I am looking forward to wiggling my toes in the sand.

I am at my in-laws and they have this great little book called "Piddling's from the Pew" by their friend Ramon Redford.  Ramon would sit in the choir and make notes from the pastors sermon, turning them into a poetic format. I am pulling a page from his book to share with you, but especially Connie. The mid-west is getting pounded by storms especially in northern Minnesota. When the weather turns like this Gabe has real problems.

"Getting the Idea Across"
"The Lord has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations; and all ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God"  Isaiah 52:10

A bolt of lightening from the sky
Alerts us to a storm
The setting sun defines the day
And leaves us feeling warm.

The doorbell rings and tells us
There is someone at the door.
The postman brings a letter-
From someone we adore.

The babbling brook accelerates
As it rushes to the sea.
A raging bull across our path
May make us turn and flee.

The way we live our lives
The message that we send,
Will leave our mark on the world
And justify our end.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lake Superior, bonfire's and kids.

One of the great things about growing up in Knife River was having bonfires on beach. Growing up on the water was the best. Of course these are things that you take for granted and don't realize until you grow up, move away and can't do it anymore.
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Bonfires are something that bring me back to being a teenager again. Hanging out at the beach....
the one thing we did not do on a regular basis is swim. Lake Superior is COLD.  Limb numbing, painfully cold. We would jump in on a dare. Wade up to our ankles briefly to pick rocks to skip across the water.

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Sam thought he was being really daring by dipping the top of his head in the water.

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I told them that I would give them each a dollar if they went in completely. Full body submersion.  Sam has the complete look of doubt. Really? You will give us a dollar? 
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Sam and Carter were reluctant. Sophia was like "sure, why not" and took full advantage of calling her brothers chicken. Imagine an older sister taunting her brothers.
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Carter could have cared less about Sophia calling him chicken, he bargained for two dollars so Gramma Polly upped the ante. Two bucks it is.
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Wait. He had to think about about ten? Well ya can't  blame the kid for trying.
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Two dollars and I can go to the candy store and buy candy right? Sure kid, knock yourself out.
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I told them to do the Nestea Plunge. Remember that commercial? They didn't know what I was talking about so I had to explain. Carter wasn't falling for it but when I told him he wouldn't get two dollars....
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He did it.
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and he ran out REALLY fast.
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This is how cold Lake Superior is, painfully cold.
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Not sure why she is smiling, she is a little crazy.
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Hehehehehe, I have two dollars and get to eat CANDY!
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My kids are so used to getting their photos taken they will stop mid sentence,
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turn and pose and then go on with what they were doing. They are pros.
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She tried to throw her brother in but he was able to wiggle out of her grasp. (love this pic)
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Love the beach.  Gotta love the beach.