
Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Pink House and Annie Sloane Paint

Today was such a beautiful day, the last day of March. What is the saying? in like a lion out like a lamb? Well our March was absolutely incredibly beautiful and I cannot imagine what April will be like.
The order of business today was that I needed to pick up the desk from Goodwill that I bought yesterday. I needed my husbands brawn and his truck to pick it up. While we were there wouldn't you know it I found another piece of furniture. A very old oak buffet that needs lots of love.  I will go further into that on my next post.
More importantly it is what I did AFTER the Goodwill. I visited The Pink House again. The Pink house carries a brand of paint I have been wanting to try, Annie Sloane Chalk paint. It has rumored to be a painters dream.
I hope it is 'cause it ain't cheap!
I have been to the Pink House twice now and both times have been a wonderful experience. I really wish I could remember her name (the owners sister) has been incredibly nice and helpful both times I have been there... the shop is very small, packed with stuff and loaded with ideas. If you are not handy with the paint brush or just don't have the eye they will do it for you. Such a deal!
You can reach their Facebook page here. 

The Pink House Blog is here! 

I would love to hear what you think and if you have been there!
Have you used Annie Sloane Paint?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fired Up!

Sam and I went to Fired Up! in Asheville this past weekend. He had been bugging me to go for a few weeks and finally we were able to get there. We had gone last month and I thought I had done a blog but apparently I never got it done.   
The last time were were there we painted pottery but this time we wanted to work with glass. You start with a plain piece of glass, I chose a clear square piece. You then glue different colors and shapes to the top of the large square. There are many colors and shapes to select or you can use the glass cutter to make you own.

After you have your design laid out and glued they stick it in the kiln and melt the glass and it all fuses together...and voila! Sun catcher!

The only hard part was coming up with a design, we must have started over a dozen times. But finally, three hours later we were finally done.

We really had a great time. It was nice just the two of us hanging out. Sam is a funny kid, cracks me up. And he is growing up fast. I think he a grown a foot in the last month, voice is changing and shaving.

He is a good kid. I am lucky, I just wish I could keep him young forever.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Spring is here in all its glory!



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Goodwill Lamp Refinishing

Sam needed a new lamp for his room and I saw several at the Goodwill. They were relatively inexpensive at $3.50 with no shade.  I thought I would try painting it with matte black spray paint.

I wiped it down with deglosser so to give the paint something to grab on to. Wrapped the top with paper and tape to keep paint from getting on it and started spraying away.

I did this slowly with light layers so the paint would not run. Once it starts to run your pretty done. It is hard to get rid of the runs once it starts. (OK, I just made myself laugh)
I then went to Home Depot and bought a lamp shade for $14.00. I probably could have found one for cheaper but I was there and I liked it.
I also had to buy a finial for the top $3.99 and a harp for $1.50 so lets just round it up to about to a total of approximately $25.00. Not the best deal around but I like knowing that money went to the Goodwill and I was keeping something out of the landfill and it gave me a project.
This is my beautiful painting suit that helps keep me somewhat clean especially when I am sanding wood. I have gotten a little too much paint on too many clothes. I look like Corn Holeo.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bad Dye Job

I really needed to get my hair done. I kept putting it off because I was trying to decide what I wanted to do with it. As you can see the roots were really growing out. A reverse skunk is what I call it.

 I decided that I would go back to my natural color. A light to medium brown seemed like a good choice. Low maintenance and no more roots showing. This is the picture I  showed my hairdresser.

I had Bob take before photos so I could see the difference.
I know, the roots.
Little did I know just what a difference it was going to be.

I never look at the back of my head, maybe I should.

I am smiling in this picture. Do not be fooled. I hate it. A lot.
When Bob was taking the picture he said I had to smile.

This is the color after 3 washings of Dawn detergent and Prell shampoo.

I asked for a light to medium brown, I would hate to find out what black looks like. And red. I was very clear....NO RED HUE!

Can you see the pained look from trying to keep from crying?

I am going to go wash my hair again.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pretty Pretty Princes

Oh, I just love this picture.
I am not sure if it is because it absolutely tortures my son every time I pull it up or if it is because they were having so much fun playing his sister's game, Pretty Pretty Princess.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This and That

This was my living room last week. Who doesn't want a fridge and a gas stove in their living room?

They have sealed off the kitchen to keep the dust from sanding to a minimum.

A kitchen table in the front  of the front door. Why not. 

The china cabinet had to be moved four feet away from the wall. Thankfully I did not have to empty it and was able to slowly slide it away from the wall.

To get to the upstairs you had to climb over the railing. I tried to catch Bob on the sly.

Carter had baseball tryouts last Saturday so Bob and he did some warming up before hand.

Tryouts are pretty basic. They show how they are able to catch pop balls. Grounders. Hitting. Throwing.

Everyone who tries out is picked. No one is eliminated.

The coaches then have their roster of who they would like on their team and have their draft. At first I thought what a ridiculous thing, why are you having little kids tryout for your team. It is actually a good thing.

It evens out the team so that one team doesn't get all the really good players and one team gets all the beginners.

He is pretty cute, I would pick him for my team!

Here they are waiting for their turn at bat.

He hit the ball and Mom was relieved. I don't care how much you tell yourself "as long as they have fun" you still want them to whack it out of the park.

Later on I went to pick up the boys at a friends house.  She is so cute.

Sam trying to come to terms with riding his pink bike and playing with a 2nd and 3rd grader.

Or showing off on his bike, whatever works.
See those shorts and shirt?
Kind of nice right? One would have thought I was torturing the kid when I went out  to buy summer clothes. He is the worst when it comes to picking out clothes. A pain short of murder. I have gotten to the point where I select clothes and bring them home for him. Well that is what I did this time.
The result.....Complain, Complain, Complain.
I then told him to get in the car, we are going shopping. Two hours later we came home with the same clothes were were going to bring back. Pain in the ass I say!

It took some restraint not to say "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Walking home was so pretty, cannot wait to see that whole mountain green.

Happy almost spring! I have lots of yard work to get done.