
Thursday, April 2, 2009


Don't you just love it when a project is complete. This project started on Facebook with a "make something homemade for a friend". The first five people to respond would receive something made by me. No virtual gifts allowed. It could be homemade cookies or something doodled and there was no guarantee that you will like it. I was really excited about this. Fortunately or unfortunately, depends on how you look at it only 3 people responded. The fun part for me was to make something for 3 friends from high school that I have not seen in over 20 years. We were friends in school but had no contact since then. It has been a lot of fun chatting, we have all changed a lot. We grew up. We are wives and moms. Priorities have changed. Some are strong Christians, some not so much. Marriages have failed. One is losing a child. I am grateful to have them back in my life even if it is only with small phrases and comments through the week. I hope she likes the scarf I have made for her. It is Alpaca wool and so very soft.

1 comment:

  1. Your scarf for your friend turned out beautiful...Once a month about 8 friends from my grade school days(1950s) get together for's nice to keep in touch...Your dog Hazel is so cute...hope Martha and her are getting along...We lost Gena our Westi 2 years ago...before that our family dog that grew up with our children...lived 21 years...His name was Butter...Take care.


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes