
Friday, April 17, 2009

My surgery

I have been out of commission for the past few days and debated whether or not to write about it. One of the many discussions and debates you hear about bloggers is that “they tell complete strangers anything”. I will say, I argued this point with myself many times.
Am I willing to write about my personal situations? Would I write about something that I wouldn’t say face to face?
I have talked openly to friends and acquaintances about the fact that I take Celexa, an anti-depressant and anxiety medication. I started taking it after the birth of my second child. We had just moved to another state and really felt horrible. Going on this medication made a huge difference in my life and I really feel that I could have or should have been on it years earlier. I have talked openly about it too many people and in return have been told that there are many people on medication for this also. I have explained the difference it has made in my life, that I am a much happier person. Not stressing if the house is not perfect and everything is not in its place is not so bad. I am not embarrassed by this and do feel that telling others about it helps others feel that it is not such a horrible thing.
I had surgery on Wednesday. Not fun. But surgery, that I chose to have. Almost every woman I know crosses her legs when they sneeze. I used to chuckle every time I had to do the “stop, cross, sneeze”. I considered it almost a badge of honor; I had 3 children all very large. Unfortunately it started to get worse. It really started getting to me when my son’s soccer team had parents against the kids and I had to abruptly stop playing because I was wetting my pants from running. Then we went sledding in MN over Christmas break. I did one run down the hill and was completely wet. Now I am not an old woman, I am only 39 years old and have been dealing with this for nine years. I had stopped going to the gym. I stopped running. I stopped doing impromptu fun things.
I had a pelvic sling put in place that will support the urethra and will hopefully stop the stress incontinence that I have been having. I will let you know in one month.


  1. I think both concerns are more common than one might think...and writing about personal situations can be uneasy...but you handled it great finesse...Your site has a gentle quietness to it that I admire...very serene...I like the simple title "Each Day"...
    If there are things in our lives that we can change for the betterment of each day...we should do is too short not to!...Will be wishing you luck with the implant...a blogging Friend...Wanda

  2. I think you are doing the right thing. I stressed and stressed for years about everything and had two strokes in the last four months.I'm only 51. It has completely changed my way of thinking about everything! Now I just focus on enjoying whatever I can Everyday. I hope and pray that your surgery will enable you to enjoy your life more.

  3. Yes, some bloggers tell all. Things I do not wish to know. But your honesty is touching. I hope you are feeling much better by now.
    I hate not being able to run. My sister had this surgery 15 or more years ago and had much trouble with it. I guess it's why I never did anything about it. It's only when I run, though. And sometimes a big sneeze.


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes