
Monday, December 21, 2009

HoHoHo Here Comes the snow!

Boy did we get snow! WOW. It was so pretty coming down. It  was not the big puffy flakes that are so easy to shovel but the small, get into every little crevice packing it in tight weighing a ton when you have to shovel it snow.   We here in the south think snow is pretty. It snows, covers everything in a pretty white blanket and makes everything so fresh and new. Two days later the temperature goes up and melts all the snow. Done. I don't think that is going to be the case this time. I heard a rumor that they are talking about an ice storm for Christmas. Not a good situation.
After being locked in the house for 2 days with the kids we were starting to go a little stir crazy so we decided to go for a walk. Martha was more than ready. As we were leaving we met Frank, the man with the plow.

From Each Day....
From Each Day....
From Each Day....
From Each Day....
It is so funny to see everyone out in the tractors plowing snow. 
I am not sure if this guy is plowing or just out for a ride.

When we got home the kids were no where to be found.  I have a feeling they bailed on the playing out in the snow the first chance they got. Cannot figure that one out. Go play in the snow. Have fun. 
After our beautiful walk I decorated Christmas sugar cookies with the kids and they made a Ginger Bread House.

From Each Day....
From Each Day....
From Each Day....

1 comment:

  1. I always get a chuckle at how much baking gets done during snows!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes