
Friday, January 8, 2010

Procrastination of my Resolutions

     I have been trying to formulate in my mind what I want to do this year. What do I want to accomplish? What can I accomplish this year? I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to have a New Years List of Resolutions.  

Here are some things I know I will accomplish.

     1. Get up every morning. I need that positive feedback knowing I have succeeded in something.  If I don't accomplish this one item the rest of the list is irrelevant and I have bigger problems to be concerned about.
     2. Have my morning coffee. Enjoy it in a wonderful mug that feels great in my hands and allows me to ease into the day. I love my coffee and always remember the coffee beans.
A few resolutions to be socially more responsible. 

     3. Bring my own bags to the grocery store. I dislike plastic bags immensely. I am not sure if I despise them more on sheer fact that the bag boys at the grocery store don't know how to pack a bag. Explain to me why you need to put a gallon of milk in a grocery bag. I love it when they say "I have to put it in a bag" and I say "no, you don't." They never know quite how to respond. Ikea has awesome bags that are made from blue tarps and are great for boxes like cereal. Also if I am only using reusable bags I want them to look good and that gives me the excuse to go to Crazy as a Loom and buy a bag from her store and buy one of her Rag Bags!

     4. I will not shop at Wal-Mart ever again.  That one should be pretty easy. I hate even pulling into the parking lot. For the longest time it was the only place to grocery shop.  Thankfully we have gotten a new Martins and it is SOOOO nice. I just read this article and it reinforces my decision. Although they have these frozen pancakes my kids love. Does it still count if  send my husband to the store to buy them? Hate Wal-Mart.

 The business side and everything else.

     5. I will work at growing my business by being more aggressive with my marketing strategies and stop giving my services away.
     6. I will go to the gym. I have the membership and I will use it. I finally understand the having a membership does not actually mean you go to the gym.
     7. I WILL finish the 50 boxes of slides that I need to convert to digital for my in-laws.
     8. I will make rugs with the 8 large bins of sock loopers I have in my garage. I need the space for other things.

These may not seem like much but if I can do these 8 things it will be a stellar year!



  2. Well, first, thank you for the plug. That was very sweet.
    I also make a great bag out of left over bird seed bags. I will find a picture somewhere....but they are huge, and cheap, and last forever.
    Next, I HATE Walmart too....a LOT.
    I have a gym membership toooooooo....and I found out the same thing you does NOT mean you will actually GO THERE.
    Wondering how you promote your site??? Maybe I can help.
    I KNOW I can help with sock rug tips.

  3. Great list!

    We have 3, 5 & 6 in common - and if 1 or 2 doesn't happen, the rest won't be necessary!

  4. Love it! Your resolutions could be mine! You inspired my latest blog post!! Good luck!

  5. #8? Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I see it.

  6. Great goals! I think the bag one is great! I have plenty of bags..I just keep leaving them home!! LOL..I also LOVE putting a cup of coffee in the morning as a goal..that is one I will be faithful too...!!!

  7. I've been trying to be good about bags this year too!

    Good luck with your New Year's Resolutions! I go through years where I make a ton of hard ones and other years (like this year) where my resolutions are more fun and easy!!


  8. Wow, you go girl!!! I hate wal-mart too but don't have many other choices that I can afford anyway.
    Good luck with all of your goals.
    Love Di


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes