
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Forever Renovations

So this is what I did this Sunday. Finally started tearing up the floor in the kitchen/sitting room.  The snow storm has put a major damper on getting things done and I am starting to worry about getting the contractor back to the house to finish. So much time has passed. The sub floor has to come up next. It will be a lot of fun to remove because it is scewed down. Do you hear the sarcasm?
From Each Day....

The boys bedrooms are completed minus the quarter rounds. Sophia's bedroom is done, her bathroom is another story. The master bedroom is done, minus our bathroom. My dining room is half done.
From Each Day....
There used to be a counter here with a sink. Not anymore!

From Each Day....
The plumbing needs to be capped and the trim and wall board replaced.

This is my living room. It now has part of my kitchen, bedrooms, dining room and bathrooms and the rest of the hardwood flooring. Carter is trying to watch t.v., notice all the dust.

From Each Day....

It has been like this for over a month. Driving me crazy. I am an organized person and living like this puts me in a very grumpy mood. Everything has 2 inches of dust. It is going to take forever to get it clean and back into place.
From Each Day....
See the pianting in the back of the Norwegian Poet. My husband hates this picture. It is kind of creepy, but it was my grandmothers so I keep it.
From Each Day....
My dining room. The contents of my hutch are in the  living room, where the kids insist on playing "hide and go seek".

From Each Day....
The new bathroom vanity. See the top drawer? We have to permanently remove the drawer so we could get it plumbed. Going to have to glue it on the front of the cabinet.
From Each Day....
This is the new floor. Cannot wait for it to be everywhere.
From Each Day....
See this hole on the outside of the french doors?
From Each Day....
It caused this problem inside....going to have to replace the sub-floor.

From Each Day....
This is Sophia....reading her book.
From Each Day....
This is her bathroom vanity that does not fit properly. This is how they fit the original vanity. They measured the wall space properly.
From Each Day....
Sophia's room, she says it is clean?
From Each Day....
Cannot even comment.


  1. Oh how I feel your pain! We are redoing our living room and than painting both the living room and dining room floors. We are doing it ourselves and the husband is home only four days a month. So I too have things piled everywhere. As a matter of fact, I may get busy doing some more patching and sanding today. Your new floor looks awesome. Hopefully the contractors will make some headway soon!
    Love Di

  2. Oh, what a great looking house you are going to have!!!!!
    Have faith.
    This too shall pass.


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes