
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

South Africa

My mother and I went on a faith based mission trip in 2007 to South Africa. It was a wonderful experience and I really, really, really want to go back. So when a co-worker of mine just got back from Uganda and I was looking at her photos I had to dig out some of mine.
This is a photo of the 2 of us at Cape of Good Hope (captain obvious huh?) and probably the best trip we ever took together. Not one argument took place. HONEST.  and for us that is a record.

From Each Day....

The meeting of two oceans.

Very blue and VERY cold.

From Each Day....

From Each Day....

From Each Day....
We left 3 days after Thanksgiving for 2 weeks with a team of 20 people for all over the country, all different ages.  We spent most of our days in the communities providing Christmas for almost 5000 children. It was the most amazing experience to see God at work.

Thank you so much for everyones kind and encouraging comments. Love it!


  1. The meeting of two oceans photo is GRAND!
    Your mom and you are dressed so made me smile, when you spoke of no arguments, not one! What a nice shared experience for you both!....Wanda

  2. What a great experience Krista, and your photos are beautiful! Love Di ♥


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes