
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Culpeper County High School Prom

Prom night for the Culpeper County High School was last Saturday and I have been photo editing my little fingers off. My eyes are doing funny things after scrolling through so many photos and I am having nightmares, I mean dreaming about high school. I know everyone can relate to the fact that it really was not that long since we went to the prom. Even if it was 25 or so years ago it feels like last week.
The bigger the hoop and more taffeta the better and  I am sure we depleted the ozone from all of the Aqua Net hairspray. It had to be perfect and it had better stay that way  through a Nor'easter that would blow into northern Minnesota.Thankfully those trends have faded but a lot of the memories that we have will remain.

They will remember how intense their feeling are. Songs will play on the radio and they will immediately be back at the country club, dancing to that song, feeling everything they felt that night.

From Each Day....

From Each Day....

From Each Day....

From Each Day....

Step back to my really bad prom photos I am hoping this link will work, it connects to my facebook photos that I have scanned.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Beautiful photos Krista, they actually brought tears to my eyes. I never got to go to prom. But my kids did, very special memories!
    Love Di ♥

  2. wow so you got to go to the prom and be the photographer? that would be so much fun! these young ladies are gorgeous! The link says it is unavailable. I dont think I have you as a FB friend. I will have to find you and invite you! What a fun night...I am jealous! My prom.... 41 years ago...well in a beautiful place, the State Capital building in Salt Lake City, in the rotunda, an amazing place...(don't think they let the kids do that anymore) but my date...a total I think I danced 1 dance with him the whole night....never did go to any other proms! lol

  3. Very nice Krista. I have two daughters that will probably be married within a 1 and a half. By bank account will never be the same.

    I'm making a shameless plug for my blog. If you get a chance I would appreciate it if you voted for me @...

    It's easy, just click on the little blue "Vote Now" button near the top. The contest ends tonight and the competition is closing in. Thanks

  4. Linda...I keep trying to post to your blog and can never get it to take...grrrrrr. Love your haircut, does it make you feel sassy!

    Thanks Rick....start socking away money now!

  5. oh wow that a pretty bad picture but who's in this pic


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes