
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Developmental Achievement Center, Knife River, Minnesota

When I was growing up in Knife River, MN the DAC was this big brick building that we would hit the tennis ball against the wall. It had two basketball hoops where we would shoot baskets. Behind the buidling was a great spot to sit and hang out.

The buidling now houses the Developmental Achievement Center. A day Training and Habilitation services for adults with developmental disabilities come together and learn skills, and more importantly are part of a community that offers social interaction.( this is my interpretation)

When I was home my mother let me know that they were weaving at the DAC and to check out the rugs, placemats etc. that they were making. I love to weave and am always interested in seeing what others are doing with this craft.

While I was there they explained to me that the individuals that make the rugs are paid by the row that they weave. They are to recieve no physical help but are offered verbal guidance. The have someone who glues the strips together and someone who weaves. They used to be able to have 3 workers on the loom, one on each side to pass the shuttle back and forth  and one in the middle that would pound the weft. The labor laws changed and now they are only allowed one person on a loom at a time.

The rugs they weave are beautiful.

This is Rusty. He loves to garden. Here is is watering his garden that he planted.
 My husband, he looks very intense doesn't he? Obviously talking about the looms.

 I love this tin man they made...look closely and see if you can identify the different cans.
 A weaving of old ties....
 I so wish I could remember her name. It is driving me a little crazy trying to remember. If you know her name let me know so I can put it in here. She was so excited to have her picture taken.
 Just love how happy they are!

 You can see their work in the back ground.
 As we were walking around I noticed ths gentleman. Full of smiles and hugs....This is my cousin Neal. When I told him I was his cousin he got so excited....yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa! he said.
 So of course we had to take a picture.
 and another one....Neal I hope you see this....48 years old, you look wonderful!
 This is Rusty and his sister...

 We brought our youngest son to the center also, was not quite sure how he would repsond. He did great, don't know why I was concerned.

The DAC sells their rugs, I don't know how much traffic they get but I highly encourage you to stop and buy one or two or three! You would be supporting a great cause and you will have a story to go along with your purchase. I told them about Etsy and posting them on the webiste to sell, maybe they will.

Thank you so much for spending so much time with us while we visted.
DAC contact information:
P.O. Box 143,
204 Central Avenue,
Knife River, MN 55609

218-834-5767 (phone)


  1. That was a great tour Krista. The rugs were really beautiful. I know nothing about weaving it looks very time consuming. Their hard work shows!
    The tin can man was really cute as was the neck tie hanging. I will have to check this out.
    Love Di ♥

  2. Krista,
    Thank you so much for your visit!
    First off, the young lady whose name escapes you is April.
    As we begin our 40th year of operation next month, I'm reflecting on all the individuals who have come through our doors as participants, volunteers, or visitors.
    Seeing the pictures you've shared on your blog are inspirational to me as we continue the mission for the next 40 years - not to mention their smiles are infectious.
    Again, thank you for your visit and capturing many wonderful experiences of our DAC!

    Michelle McDonald

  3. Hey Krista, We enjoyed the visit from you, your husband and your son! Your enthusiasim for weaving,people and life was inspiring. Thank you for taking an interest in the DAC and what we are all about! Your photography really captures the beauty in people and things! I love the black and white of our loom with the blackboard in the background! I also love the one of Rusty watering by himself. He is the best plant caretaker.He faithfully waters them every day! The cousin photo of you and Neil is really wonderful! We loved giving you the tour...please visit us again when your on the North Shore! Jana Olson


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes