
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

From Each Day....
Carving pumpkins.
 I pretty much  dreaded the annual carving of the gourd.
The crying.   The whining.  Throw in a little fighting and you can see why I dreaded the event that always resulted in a huge mess.
But it has finally gotten better. I guess it is because they are older and can finally carve their own pumpkins. In the past my husband and I ended up doing all the carving and for a few years we did not even carve them just left the whole. I like that, then I could use them all the way to Thanksgiving. Sometimes they lasted that long without rotting.

They started doing the scraping of the guts...that is the part they hate to do. Why I do not know because they do play with lots of gross stuff.  I finished the scraping, if I hadn't we would still be sitting in the driveway.

From Each Day....

From Each Day....

Martha was just really glad we were outside with her. She did not care what we were doing. She would have preferred it involve food but was not going to complain.
From Each Day....

From Each Day....

From Each Day....
From Each Day....

From Each Day....

Until next time.....


  1. Enjoy it while you can Krista! This was my 1st year in over thirty that no one cared if we did it or not! They grow up so damn fast! You have such beautiful children! Do you roast the seeds? It was always one of our favorite treats.
    Love Di ♥

  2. Such concentration on their faces in some photos and lovely smiles in others. Fun time!

  3. Hi Krista! OH my goodness, your daughter is so beautiful! I am so sad that I didn't do any pumpkins this Halloween! Our "little rascals" didn't visit this year! :( and I missed them so much, I just couldn't get in the mood to carve! Next year hopefully! Enjoy every single minute while they are home and WILLING to do it LOL. Looks like you had a great time!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes