
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Girls Wrestle Too!

Last weekend was the first Federation match of the season. I don't know if you have ever been to a wrestling match but they are pretty intense. Federation matches are set up so that there are about 10 matches going on at the same time. A lot is going on at the same time and you have to pay attention to your number so that when it is on the tree you are prepared.

Jeremy is Sam's coach and he is just amazing with these kids. The whole coaching staff is pretty incredible actually and they are the main reason we "pushed" the kids towards wrestling. Although all it took was "guys do you want to wrestle?" They make it easy to encourage and support the sport. They are the kind of coaches that you want as role models for your kids.
From Each Day....

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Sam did get schooled on two of his three matches that day. It keeps him from his head getting too big and reminds him that he need to keep improving. Last year was pretty easy for him, only losing 1 or 2 matches so this woke him up and made him realize he is going to have a tougher year.

My daughter Sophia started conditioning with the team last year and officially joined federation and the middle school wrestling team this year. This was to be her first Federation match and I am not sure who was more nervous, her or me.

Here her number is on the tree and she is getting ready.
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Checking in before her match.
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Victim number one....
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Meanwhile I am screaming my fool head off trying to remember to take pictures.
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There is something reassuring about seeing your 12 year old daughter take down a boy...And she PINNED him...oh ya!
The girl in the background is one of her coaches who is also the daughter of Jeremy. She is one heck of a wrestler.
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Her next match she lost 13-10.  This surprised me because the two guys she pinned, pinned this guy. I think he kind of "freaked her out" in a 12 year old kind of way. His dad said that he was nervous and said it was OK if she beat him.
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While she was finishing up Sam was getting ready to get back on the mat so I had to dash to the other side of the gym....
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And he pinned him!
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Sophia's last match and I have no voice left from cheering her and Sam on. And forget about Bob's he lost his at the middle school match earlier in the week.
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She did comment on how "gross it was because her face was in his armpit".
I mean, she is still a girl!
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And she PINS him. YOU GO GIRL!
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Trying to contain her excitement.
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There it is.
From Each Day....


  1. I am SO PROUD of Sam and Sophia!! How awesome! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT ♥

  2. umm, OKAY - this comment and the one above is from ME - Amy.. their Aunt.... Bobby's sister... don't know why it says from "idowhatiwant" ???

  3. Wow, I didn't know girls wrestled. Good for Sophia and Sam both. I know how you feel, knowing your daughter can pin a boy! Even if she did have her face in his armpit. (ewwww) That last picture of her says it all!

  4. Wow how awesome Krista! I had no idea that girls wrestled! You must be so proud of them both!
    Have a Blessed Christmas! Love Di ♥

  5. Kris, this is cool! Sophia and Sam both look so intent. How great that at this age girls and boys can wrestle both genders. Keeps a healthy athletic competition going in spite of the onset of adolescence. Super! I'll be sure to show your Mom!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes