
Saturday, December 25, 2010

That was then, this is now, a little game.

Can you match who is who from 1969 to 2010?
Write your answers in the comment section. The comment section does get kind of glitchy but keep trying, I really want to see your answers.

Something I have been doing for the past two years is converting my in-law photos from slides to digital.
It has been fun seeing my husband growing up and the changes that everyone has made.

Go back forty one years to 1969 and it is Christmas Eve at Jeanne and Buddy Bryants home, my husbands aunt and uncle. The traditional family photo.

From Each Day....
Jump forwatd to Christmas Eve 2010 at Susan and Mike's home.  I thought it would be fun to take a photo of the original Willis girls and thier children. There are four people not in this picture that were in the orginal photo. Daddy Earl, Uncle Buddy and Granny Willis have all passed away. Barbara was not able to make it (we missed you Barbara)

From Each Day....
Merry Chirstmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love visiting your blog but I am afraid I don't have a clue...I could guess since I don't know your family: 1) Mary 2) Edith 3) Aunt Ceilia 4) Mom! 5)your cousin Heather (6) Cindy (7) Joe (8) Joes wife (9) Frank (10) Uncle Eddie (11) Dad! Anyway, they are a great looking group! Happy New Year!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes