
Monday, February 14, 2011

VACW Elementary & Middle School States {Culpeper Wrestling}

Sophia's first match at states.   But first...don't her little braids look cute?
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Oops, this don't look good for her.  And she asked me why I only took one photo. All I could say was "Girl, that was a fast match!"   In her defense...this guy WON states. She quite honestly did not have a prayer.
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The second match went a a full three rounds. She even gave him a bloody nose and I thought she was going to win but he was a little stronger than her.
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Match Three.......Din't look like it was going to go well.
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But that didn't last long.

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Would you  call the pin already?
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I said......" PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN!"
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But in the end he won.

A hug from Dad makes it better.

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The motley crew from Culpeper.

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The Galloways..

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Eric making things look very easy.
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They THINK they are so tuff.
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  1. Win or lose Krista, the girls got it going on!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day, Love Di ♥

  2. Thank you Di! She is a good girl, I would love to see her stick with it.

  3. Wow, I bet the boys that she wrestles hate to go against her. It is a guy thing ya know, they would die rather than let a girl win! I think it is awesome! She looks so strong! Tell Sophia that I THINK SHE IS TERRIFIC!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes