
Sunday, June 5, 2011

The end is near...

School is almost over. This is the last week. I am kind of looking forward to it, kinda. This will be the first summer that I have worked and cannot have the kids with me at work.  I have stressed about what they are going to do for the summer. Will I be able keep them from getting bored and killing each other while I am gone?

I am the only one at work who can do my job right now. The person who worked with me  quit 2 weeks ago and I have not yet filled her position. She was originally to retire in January but she decided to stay. She was not happy and I knew she was going to quit again and she did. I wish she would have done it in January so I would have more time to train someone. Now I have vacation time coming up and no one to cover my time. It will work out. I know it will. I just wish I knew I had more time to find the right person. Someone with a great attitude and self driven. Needless to say I am stressing out about this.

I was going through my photos trying to find something to put in the blog and I came across these....

Sir Poops Alot was our pet hamster. He was an awesome little hamster as far as hamsters go.  But Poops succumbed to diabetes, we think.  Burying a hamster in Michigan in the winter is a little bit of a challenge.

Sam brought us all to tears with his comments. He is my tender hearted little one.

Thanks for visiting....



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well at least Sir Poops Alot met his maker in a speedy fashion,Priority Mail!! I love it!
    I think your kids will be fine Krista. Is there any camps where you live? That might help fill some of the time.
    I really think that kids need to learn to just enjoy down time. It took my Kate forever to understand that!! Good Luck to you, Love Di ♥


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes