
Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Saturday morning in Asheville, NC

We have been in Asheville now for 2 weeks and are about 3/4 of the way moved in. That may be a little generous but that is what I am going with. It makes me feel a little better.

The kids have been going a little bonkers and to expel a little excess energy we took them to Fletcher Park to play disc golf, ride bikes and let Martha wander.

Bob and Sam play golf while Carter rides around the park on his bike.

Sam is loving disc golf. He is pretty good.

From November 12, 2011

From November 12, 2011

From November 12, 2011
Martha thinks the discs are for her. They look just like a Frisbee.  They are throwing them. They MUST need me to go get them right?
From November 12, 2011
Sam thought he could out run Carter on his bike. Good luck kid!
From November 12, 2011
At this park you must wear your helmet or you will get a $10.00 ticket.
From November 12, 2011

From November 12, 2011

From November 12, 2011
A beautiful day. A relaxing day. But I have hit the wall and it is time to go to bed....
From November 12, 2011


  1. A big move Krista! My daughter loves living in N.C. One thing that she does there and that we do here in Illinois is Geocaching. It's a great family activity and it doesn't cost anything but gas money! You can find it at
    I know how busy you must be right now. I hope you are enjoying your new home! Love Di ♥

  2. Hi, Krista! That's a great photo of you, Bob and Martha! Martha looks healthy and happy, her medical issue must be a thing of the past! Of course, the kids always look Healthy and Happy! Good genes!

    Wishing you all the best in your new home in Asheville!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes