
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Aftermath

Christmas has come and gone.
I really hate to sound like a scrooge but THANK GOODNESS.
Since we decided to stay home for Christmas instead of making the trek to Virginia Beach, Richmond or Knife River it was rather quiet with just our family.
Christmas Eve we had originally planned to go snow tubing in the morning but that had to be canceled due to the warm weather and very little snow. I was really looking forward to it, something to burn of the extra energy in the kids and make the evening plans a little easier for them to accept.
Since we had no company for Christmas I set it up that we were going to volunteer at the Western Carolina Rescue Mission to serve dinner. After serving we were going to attend a Christmas service at a church I have been wanting to attend. As you can imagine this went over like a lead balloon with our teenage daughter. Further cementing my opinion that we need to be doing more of this stuff. Self absorbed teenage daughters. Need I say more? Well I could but I am choosing to keep my mouth shut to help maintain some sence of peace in the house. Let me put it this way...there was very little Peace and Harmony in my world Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning came with  a little encouragement from my husband we survived.  Barely.

Sam with his Disc Golf set that he recieved from his grandparents
From December 25, 2011
Carter with his Teck Deck
From December 25, 2011
Carter with his UMD t-shirt from Grandma Polly.
From December 25, 2011
Sam and his computer...which he contributed to the purchase of.
From December 25, 2011
Sophia with her jacket from her grandparents and the phone we got her. I guess this is how we will forever be seeing her, with just the top of her head visible.
From December 25, 2011
I hope your Christmas was peaceful, pleasant and enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great Christmas! Your daughter will get over it - she may have even forgot about Christmas Eve when she opened up that phone!

    Sarah from The House That Ag Built


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes