
Friday, February 3, 2012

Sam's Awards

AC Reynolds Middle school had the winter sports banquet last night. This is the event where they acknowledge the athletes for their accomplishments during that season.
Sam received 2 awards last night for which his dad and I are very proud of him.
The first is the Scholar Athlete Award presented to those athletes that have exhibited strong academic leadership in the classroom.

The second award he received was a plaque for the Coaches Award for leadership and dedication. 
We are so proud of you Sam. You have handled yourself amazingly well with moving to a new school, new home, new city. Achieving straight A's while excelling in Wrestling. That is a great accomplishment.


  1. How wonderful for Sam. This reminds me of when we moved our two oldest down to Southern Illinois. They were 11 and 8 then. Now 30 and 33. They took to the slower life very well. We moved from Chicago. Once here they really excelled academically.
    Love Di ♥

  2. Happy distractions are the best distractions!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes