
Monday, February 6, 2012

What to do with all those school papers...

I don't know about you but I seem to collect an awful lot of papers from the kids school work. I have gotten a little pickier about the ones I keep but Good Golly!

What I have started to do is this...

I have a 3 drawer sterilite bin that I have gotten form Wally World (lord I hate that place) and because I have 3 kids, each one gets their own drawer.

Creative I know, but hang in here with me.

It is in the basement out of the way but I routinely add their stories and homework to it. I then try and separate them into school years and clamp them with the big monster clips, I don't know what they are called so monster clips is what I am calling them.

I will also save artwork.

These are a stack of homemade cards that the kids have given me through the years.

Sophia is big into writing so I have a ton of her stories that she has written and I just could not get rid of them.

 I put them in a nice neat stack and used card stock and stickers to make a front and back.

Carters self portrait for the top of  his stack.
I now have these stacks of homework and stories the kids have done and I bring them to Staples.

I have them laminate the top paper and the back paper and have it spiral bound. Not too expensive either at about $4.00 dollars a book. Pretty cool huh?

 For this one I took one of Sophia's watercolor art project and cut it in half and used that for the front and back of the book.

This is from Sam when he was in Kindergarten. Inside is a collection of writings and art work that he did the whole year.

These are all the cards that the kids have made through the years.

I love that they are all in one place, neat and tidy.

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up to Homestories A to Z


  1. Oh I love your Staples idea! Wish we had a Staples years ago when my two were younger. I just gradually weeded through the stacks of papers over the years and just kept a special few.
    Katie is still in High School but when she graduates in "13", I will go through all of those too!!
    I'm going to suggest your idea to my DIL. I love it! Love Di ♥

  2. Beautiful. I made books for my daughters as they were growing up. Basically portfolios with the clear sheaths to hold artwork, report cards, awards, etc., and they are so interesting to look through now that the girls are grown women.

    Binding certain work is a great idea.



“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes