
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Don't stand there too long or you might get painted!

My husband is starting to worry. My kids are concerned. The dog hides outside. The cat has stopped begging for food. 
My dealer is only open on Wednesday through Sunday. I have to make what I have last. I worry that I will run out.
I am wondering what I can sell next to pay for my next fix. But if I have the money where will I find IT?

Ok that may not all be true but my husband is a little worried about what will be painted next.

 These are my latest "Fixes". I found these chairs at Goodwill, imagine that.I know you are completely surprised right? They are Cochrane chairs from the 40's. Don't know if that date is completely right, but I saw a reference to that date on another site with the same chairs. Any hoooo, they were $10.00 bucks each. I wish there had been six but I was glad to get the four.

I painted them with the Annie Sloan graphite first. Lightly sanded them with a fine grit sanding block to distress them a touch. Applied the Annie Sloan dark wax.
After the wax was applied I used and old cloth diaper and buffed it with good old elbow grease. By doing this you can forgo and gym membership because buffing this chairs is guaranteed to tone any bingo wings you have going on. I recommend employing child labor to help with this manual labor.
After the wax is applied I go over with a coat of lacquer from Annie Sloan. This eliminates any tacky feeling from the wax.
Martha has her ball. She loves her ball.

I like distressing each piece just a little bit. Adds a little character. It also keeps me from freaking out when my kids uses them for something like, oh I don't know, standing on them with cleats to get glass out of the cabinet. The damage they inflict on them just adds a little more character.

I picked these two chairs up at the same time, they are form Elan College. I will use them at each end of the table.
They were sturdy and well made but I did not like the emblem that was engraved in the wood.
 I applied a little wood filler with my fingers to really get it into the tiny groovesI allowed it to dry for about an hour and then sanded with a fine grit sanding block.
After I sanded it down until it was smooth to the touch and could not feel any ridges, I applied a coat of the paint.

After it dried I sanded it lightly to distress the paint.

Added a coat of wax
And then added a coat of lacquer.*****UPDATE**** Do not do this...I was told by a stockist that this is is NOT. It will bubble and blister and make a BIG MESS!
Meet my new $10.00 chair! Man I love a good deal!


  1. Ha! This post made me laugh! I hate when I'm painting and run out of paint. I am enjoying your pictures!!!

    Sarah @ This Farm Family's life

    1. OH, I know! And it's not like I can run to the hardware store and pick this up. Thankfully 1 quart go a long way.

  2. We are open Tuesday - Saturday now....just make sure you have enough paint to do from Saturday evening until Tuesday morning....just two days! come see us today!

    1. I don't know if that is a good thing for me or not? :}
      My husband is a little concerned at this point!

  3. Could you come and do my mom's Adirondack chair for me please? It's still sitting in the garage waiting. In my defense, I have been busy with the yard! And the weather has been gloomy, humid.

    You're work is so good Krista. I'd say you really got a good deal on those chairs, they look in really good shape! Happy painting! Love Di ♥

    1. Hi DI!
      I am wondering if sanding those (yours) chairs and using a colored stain would last longer? Paint on Adirondack chairs peals so fast.
      I hope your birthday was WONDERFUL!
      hugs to you!

  4. What a great the color and you make it look like something I could do...a little DIY challenged here!!

    1. It is pretty amazing just how easy it is. I am working on a oak buffet right now that is get the red treatment!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks!
      Looking forward to finally meeting you in person!

  6. Krista - Welcome to my new follower!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you find many great ideas and hope to see you again soon.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday. Jalon

  7. Your chairs look great! I have never been able to get the ASCP Graphite that dark with the dark wax. She said if you add Aubusson paint to the dark wax and then apply it over Graphite, that will make it black. It looks like you accomplished that without the extra paint. Love these!!

  8. I just ran across your blog and Im lovin it....soooo Im now following you. Please come visit me at and just maybe you'll follow back? THANKS.

    Love your chairs and YES, what a great deal. 8-)

  9. Hi Krista~ ~Nice to meet you. I am in the throws also of painting a small table and two dining pieces that I am planning to use in my bedroom!? Must get busy but all the yard work is calling and the pool in being opened and the garage needs cleaning and. . . .Well, you get the idea. I'm a new follower.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  10. Hi, I am starting my first project with chalk paint. I just finished painting the first of six dining chairs graphite with clear wax. I am not happy with the result and would like it blacker. I love your chairs. Is it too late for me to use the dark wax since Ialready put a coat of the clear wax on? ~Karrie


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes