
Monday, April 9, 2012

My youngest is nine!

Carter is NINE today. It really is amazing how fast the time goes when looking back. I thought I would quickly select a few pictures of him through the years, ya right.  I thought it would be quick. I thought it would be easy.  Think Again! Here are a few of the highlights...Remote control lessons with dad.
Love, love, love this hat on him, just makes me giggle.
Turning TWO, what is there not to to happy about.
One of the many bumps and bruises. I think this is the one I came home to after being in South Africa.  He got nailed my a metal door at the school gymnasium. OUCH!

OOOO, this was a biggie. He pushed the iron over with the palm of his hand.  We had to go to the doctor everyday for 2 weeks.
When we had first moved to our house in Michigan he was able to run under the counter tops on the island, he never took into consideration that he grew taller. This on almost required surgery.

The third birthday
His first ride on the motorcycle. Of course they only went like 5 miles an hour.

How sweet is this. We had been home bound for 2 weeks with the snowstorm. Martha loves his Carter.

And another. I got nothing. Don't remember. Oh, wait this is where he fell out of bed and showed us the next morning.  He either never cried or Bob and I sleep pretty hard.

Preschool buds

You have to admit, pretty impressive.

But he cleans up pretty well!

That's my Carter! Happy Birthday Baby!


  1. I think it's interesting how you chose all of those "BooBoo" photos Krista. All those bumps and bruises along the way, they sure can make a mom's heart stop!!
    Yes the time goes by so, so fast. I notice it more with my grandchildren then my children. I think the clock speeds up when they leave home, I really do.
    Anyway Carter is a handsome young man and I'm sure, very well rounded as he seems to have wonderful parents. A belated Happy Birthday to him!! I hope you celebrated in 9 year old style!!
    Today is my birthday, I will celebrate it by going to work!! YAY!! Love Di ♥

  2. Loved the pics!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday to your son!

  3. He is good looking boy, and he is going to KILL you for that last photo.


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes