
Friday, June 15, 2012

Went back to the beach...

The kids and I made the trek to the beach this week to visit the grandparents. It had been a while since we had visited and the kids were excited to get to the ocean front. Took a bunch of pictures that I am looking forward to sharing with you. Here are a few from the pool on the first day ....

It is about a 6 1/2 hour drive so we left early so we could hopefully have one nice day in the water. There was rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.
It was not overly warm but the kids didn't mind.
Sophia played in the pool for a while then abandoned us to go lay on the beach by herself.
The boys being extremely loud and all were "too much". I actually thought about joining here but someone had to watch them so they wouldn't drown each other.
I love taking pictures at the pool, the colors always POP.


  1. Your pictures are always so amazing!! Her beautiful blue eyes just pop - amazing!!

  2. The kids look very happy. And you're right about the colors from the pool. They make them look even cuter!!
    Love Di ♥

  3. I love the first and second-to-last. Gorgeous colors!!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes