
Friday, October 26, 2012

Savannah Waterfront for the Day

 Bob and I are on vacation in Tybee Island, GA for the week which is about 15 minutes from Savannah. 
A week without the kid. Feels kind of strange not having them around. Have to say I am missing them.
Did I just say that out loud? Shhh, don't tell anyone.

We took the day and went into Savannah to play tourist by taking a carriage ride through the historic sites.

Do you recognize the church steeple above? Can you name the movie?
How about the pub below?

 The trees in the area are so prehistoric looking.
 Living Oaks.
What is kind of creepy about it also is that so much of Savannah is built on top on cemeteries.
Eeewww, I know.
I guess the reason is that the mass graves for from the plague and they were concerned about unearthing the disease.
That would explain the ghost tours they give at 11pm.
I will pass, thanks.
The waterfront was very cool.
Very cool is that they allow you to stroll with travelers. They have to be in a plastic cup, but who cares.
 Wet Willies gives you frozen libation in a plastic cup.
20oz plastic cups, thank you very much.
Martha also enjoyed the attention she was receiving but just could not understand as to why we would not let her jump in the river...silly dog.
Probably because there were HUGE ships going through?

Any hoo, we had a great day.
Martha was exhausted and so were we.

I am curious to see who gets the trivia question.
No cheating!

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“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes