
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sophia and Mia, ACRHS Homecoming 2012

 Homecoming at A.C. Reynolds High School was this weekend.
Hard to believe that the little girl in the photo below is grown up enough to be my daughter above.

The saying that time really flies, is true.
Although there are times when is seems to go backwards, that we will never get beyond what is happening at that moment

My daughter who is strong enough pin the boy above is the beautiful young lady in a dress and heals with make-up and jewels.

The little girl with the black eye from the neighborhood boy (HE is a TWIT) is the stunning young lady below.

Hopefully not taking themselves too seriously and having a good time.
Good friends.

You both looked beautiful, I hope you had a good time.


  1. She's a stunner! Sounds like such a spunky gal, also! Jane Watkins Rhodes (from Bobby's high school/you helped me with my shelves!)

  2. what a beautiful young lady... looks just like her mama...

  3. Wow! What a beautiful young lady. And what a great smile! I know you are proud.

  4. Your daughter is so beautiful Krista! I hope she had a great time. Katie opted out of Homecoming this year, she's planning on Senior Prom. If she makes it to that, I will breathe a sigh of relief!!
    Your photos are really great, you are multi-talented my friend!! Love Di ♥

  5. WOW, This is Odie in NC and I have been really bad about responding on blogs but the picture of your daughter and her friend caught me as I was scrolling down. You have every reason to be proud as she is a gorgeous young woman and I appreciate you sharing these lovely photos with us.

  6. Hey Krista- glad to have met you today at the conference cocktail party. Your daughter is beautiful and hope she enjoyed her homecoming. Equally impressed that she is a wrestler!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes