
Friday, November 30, 2012

Painted Red

This is a great little nightstand that is made by Stanley furniture.
Little bugger is heavy, I know this because I have lugged it in and out of the house.
Into the back of the truck, out of the truck, back into the truck and back out again.
I would really like to NOT have to move it again.

Standard procedure on the painting...
Did a little sanding on the top because the original finish was flaking a bit.
Pretty exciting huh?
Can hardly contain yourself right? Thought so.
Martha was hanging around while I was taking pictures.
Martha is always near me because I may do something crazy like leave and never come back.
Because I always leave and never come back.
She is guarding the driveway.
Because she is so ferocious. Serious eye rolling here.

So I have my furniture in a Antique Store here in Asheville called Bittersweet.
It's not going great.
I have sold 2 peices in the store.
Everything else has been sold through Craigslist and is selling well.
I have since given  my notice at the store.
Have to say this kind of bums me out. They have done very little advertising. No website up and running. I have sent people to the store and they have not been open. I would put out my business cards in my booth and they would collect them and put them up front of the store.
Anyway, I have 15 days left.

So for now, this nightstand that used to look like this.
That has been transformed to this...
Is listed on Craigslist....

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“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes