
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cataloochee Tube World in Maggie Valley, NC

Our original plan was to go to Cataloochee Tube World on Christmas eve day. 

But it rained. 

And had a few thunderstorms for good measure.

We thought it best not to be outside, on the side of a mountain, with a thunderstorm going on.

I had purchased our tickets on line ahead of time because they sell out fast and I didn't want to experience a National Lampoon's Vacation moment. (For those not familiar with the movie Chevy Chase takes his family to Wally World and they are closed.)

Cataloochee was extremely nice and helpful allowing us to change our tickets beforehand to another day. We were not allowed to change the time but that was fine by us.

The tickets are $25.00 per person for an hour and forty five minutes.  It was the perfect amount of time.  To find out if tickets are available and to purchase on line click here .  You cannot purchase tickets on line the day of and I believe within 24 hours.

Tube world is not at the same location as Cataloochee Skiing.

Carter and I trying to get a picture but we kept getting photo bombed.  

My husband thinking he is being funny.

Sophia waiting in line for her turn. The lines went very fast.

My son Sam and his girlfriend Ella.

Lots of selfies going on. Still cannot believe I did not break my phone on the hill.

It was a great afternoon and the weather was unbelievable nice. Especially since it rained every day before and after we went.

We were way over dressed. The Minnesotan contingency would have been out in jeans and a t-shirt.

Thanks for visiting...

This is not a paid promotion for Cataloochee Tube World.

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“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes