
Friday, August 24, 2012

Southern Bloggers Conference 2012

I am going, and I cannot wait.
I cannot wait to hang out with my girlfriend and fellow blogger Michelle at Adventures of Supermom.
I cannot wait to meet the women whose blogs I read.
I cannot wait to learn how to make my Blog better.
I mean I just love it when I go somewhere and I am talking to a complete stranger and they say "Needalattemom"? I know your blog. 
That is just so cool!

I do have a variety of things that I talk about on this blog, mainly family. I try not to get too private but sometimes ya just cannot help it.
 These are my boys...cute huh? I think I will keep them.
 My daughter. She is a full blown teenager.
This is my wonderful, patient, incredibly supportive husband and myself.

I am a photographer, so your gonna get pictures.
Lots of pictures.

I also redo furniture and haunt the Goodwill.
Heard a rumour that there will be some thrifting going on.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE finding a good deal.

I am kind of an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (TM) addict. Is there a 12 step program for this?

I weave.
Right now my loom and I are having a showdown.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend!
Cannot wait!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oak Island Family Vacation

For our family vacation this year we rented a house on Oak Island, North Carolina. It had been too many years since we had done that and it was way past due.  In fact I don't think Carter was ever on one of those and he is nine.
 My husband grew up on the ocean and I grew up on Lake Superior. Being near the water is very comforting for the both of us.
 Sitting on the beach in the late afternoon reading has always seemed like the best time of day. Digging your toes in the sand.
Nothing like it.

 But of course I would have been reading something not so heavy as Les Miserables.
It would have been some trashy beach novel.
But if you have put off your summer reading assigments you get to read Les Mis at the beach.
I guess it makes it a little easier to read.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Brianna and Casey's Wedding...DONE!

Finally, they are done.
All 529 of them.
529 photos edited and loaded onto Smugmug.
You can check them out here.
I have not used smugmug before so the site is not customized the way I like it just yet, but it will get there.
If you use smugmug I would LOVE to hear any suggestions that you have.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunrise, Sunset. Our home for the week.

Our first full day at the beach was wonderful. Digging my feet into the sand. Watching the kids boogie board on the waves. Reading a book. It is the best

Tried to resize these last few pics with not much luck. Oh well. Hugs from the beach, wish you were here.

Oak Island, the first morning

Love, Love,Love sitting on the front porch having my coffee.
No Internet/computer connection do I cannot upload pictures from my camera. All iPhone
Along with all the fat finger typos.
Ok, cannot figure out how to get the pictures I want so your stuck with these.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Notes from the road

So I am attempting to do a post from my iPhone, from the truck, while on the way to the beach.
A post sure to be peppered with lots of errors.
My yarn project for the vacation, how far will I get? More than likely not very far.
So here it goes, let's see what we get.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Casey Harling

Brianna and Casey were married on July 13th. Friday the 13th to be exact ,but there was nothing but good luck on this day.
A beautiful outdoor wedding on the shores of  Lake Superior.
I think the only person who worries about the weather more on the big day than the bride is the photographer. Thankfully they were blessed with a beautiful day.

I took this picture of Brianna on June 2, 1988.
You have come a long way beautiful little girl, congratulation!