
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oak Island Family Vacation

For our family vacation this year we rented a house on Oak Island, North Carolina. It had been too many years since we had done that and it was way past due.  In fact I don't think Carter was ever on one of those and he is nine.
 My husband grew up on the ocean and I grew up on Lake Superior. Being near the water is very comforting for the both of us.
 Sitting on the beach in the late afternoon reading has always seemed like the best time of day. Digging your toes in the sand.
Nothing like it.

 But of course I would have been reading something not so heavy as Les Miserables.
It would have been some trashy beach novel.
But if you have put off your summer reading assigments you get to read Les Mis at the beach.
I guess it makes it a little easier to read.


  1. Love the picture of Bobby walking on the beach. Very peaceful...


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes