
Friday, August 24, 2012

Southern Bloggers Conference 2012

I am going, and I cannot wait.
I cannot wait to hang out with my girlfriend and fellow blogger Michelle at Adventures of Supermom.
I cannot wait to meet the women whose blogs I read.
I cannot wait to learn how to make my Blog better.
I mean I just love it when I go somewhere and I am talking to a complete stranger and they say "Needalattemom"? I know your blog. 
That is just so cool!

I do have a variety of things that I talk about on this blog, mainly family. I try not to get too private but sometimes ya just cannot help it.
 These are my boys...cute huh? I think I will keep them.
 My daughter. She is a full blown teenager.
This is my wonderful, patient, incredibly supportive husband and myself.

I am a photographer, so your gonna get pictures.
Lots of pictures.

I also redo furniture and haunt the Goodwill.
Heard a rumour that there will be some thrifting going on.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE finding a good deal.

I am kind of an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (TM) addict. Is there a 12 step program for this?

I weave.
Right now my loom and I are having a showdown.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend!
Cannot wait!


  1. I can't wait to hear all about it Krista! Take notes and pass on some tips o.k.? Oh and have fun.
    Love Di ♥

  2. Krista, you have such a beautiful family. You will have such fun at the conference! Your images speak volumes. Love 'em.

  3. Hey there. I'm Heather ( and I'm just dropping in from SBC site. This will be my first blogging conference and like all the rest of you, I just can't wait. Your pictures are simply gorgeous. I know who to call when I have lighting/exposure issues now. lol! Look forward to meeting you this weekend.


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes