
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend...He has Risen, Indeed!

Easter weekend.

Is it bad that I love Holidays that don't require a lot of planning?
I had originally planned on having a small dinner at home and it was just going to be the 5 of us.
 Ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, kale and brussell sprouts.
And Jello.
Is it just me or does Jello go hand in hand with Easter?
It was all pretty simple which is a good thing.
 My in-laws called on Thursday and said they were heading to Asheville for Easter.
Of course I did not have a bit of food in the house.
And my house was a mess!
It is quite impressive just how fast one can clean a house when there is a time limit!
 But Friday things changed.
I woke up with a bugger of a toothache.
A big ol' oh my goodness this hurts like nothing I have ever felt before toothache.

And of course Friday the dentist office is closed.
I hated to call him on his day off.
But considering I had been up since 2:45am it took a lot of will power to wait until 7:30am to give him a call.
He met me at the office at 9am and my 9:15am I had confirmation of what I pretty much already knew. Abscess and a root canal were in my future.
So he loaded me up with Amoxicillin and  Oxycodone.
Every four hours.
I have been trying to not miss a dose.
It hurts when I do.
Dinner plans were changed for Friday night.
It was thought best not to take me to a fancy shmancy restaurant 3 sheets to the wind on pain medication.
I wonder what they thought would happen?
 But with the rain all day Saturday we hung close to home and this was a good thing.
We did make most of the food for Easter dinner ahead of time.
And I did take lots of naps.
 Church on Sunday morning was nice.
Unfortunately I did not take my meds prior to heading to church.
Thought maybe it may not leave a good impression with my looking stoned during church.
Wish I had.
But we have had a nice visit with my in-laws.
They are easy to be around.
It always cracks me up when people give me that odd look when I tell them my in-laws are coming for a visit.
I have to correct them by, it is okay. I like my in-laws.

 So Happy Easter from the Virginia and North Carolina Mosby's


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“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes