
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My cell phone is going to be the death of my picture taking.

 I've been sitting here looking through the pictures on my laptop.
It took me about 2 minutes to get through them all if that long.
I have been taking a lot of useless photos on my cell phone.
Crappy photos actually.
Snapping pics and putting them on Instagram or on FB.

 It is just so easy and I don't have to lug around my big camera.
Well, because if that I have very few pics from the last year and half.

I must rectify this.
This has to change.

I am not keeping up my end of the bargain of irritating the crap out of my kids, insisting that they smile for the camera.

I have a photo from when my mom and I went to D.C. when I was 13yo. I can still  hear her saying..."stand over there in front of that monument and smile".  By the time we were done with that vacation I was ready to hurl that 110 camera into the Potomac River. There were just one too many photos of monuments growing out of my head.

These pictures are from almost a year ago on the day we brought Betty home. Oh my gosh she was so little and cute!
 And OzMan. Miss that darn cat so much.
Now we have Sometimes Cat.
Sometimes he is here, sometimes he is at work.
Sometimes he is nice, sometimes he is mean as a snake.
Sometimes I like him, sometimes not so much.
I will start taking more pictures.
My kids will be thrilled.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Yes, I'm sure they will be thrilled, just as mine are when I snap cell phone photos of them. Cute pics!


“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes