
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Break

 I am such a terrible mom.
I forced my kids to get outside on spring break.
Made them play disc golf for the afternoon, breath in fresh air and get a little exercise.
 These two didn't hit  par many times if any but they played with some style.
 Carter gave up on disc golf a while ago. He prefers to ride his bike and occasionally ends up being the caddy.

 Betty thoroughly enjoyed running around like the ninny that she is.
Unfortunately I forgot to bring treats to "encourage" her to come when called.
This girl needs some more home schoolin and I am slacking on that big time.
She was very intrigued with the discs and kept trying to retrieve them or should I say snag them and run away with them. Retrieving is not in her vocabulary.

 Besides riding his bike he will throw in a tree here and there.
 Open your eyes's the sun!
I know you have locked yourself in your room becoming one with your ds/computer/ipod but it is time to enter the world.

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“Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ― Rachel Ann Nunes